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  1. Patrick Simon US Army Retired
    December 22, 2009 @ 2:17 pm

    My name is First Sergeant (Retired) Patrick Simon and I served very proudly with Major (Retired) Charlie Greene on the US Army Systems and Evaluation Team Far East (Korea, Okinawa and Japan) and we worked for the Department of the Army Washington DC. Major Greene led a very important team with a very important mission and was a great leader and officer! I saw this entry about his kidney issue and I would like to contact him. Please help.

  2. Otha Wade
    December 22, 2009 @ 10:06 pm

    Please give me a call M-F @ 800-456-9233 and I will give you Charlie’s phone number.

  3. admin
    December 23, 2009 @ 3:31 pm

    First Sergeant Simon:

    Glad to hear that you got a hold of Charlie Greene, after all these years. Your comments about his military service and the respect you have for him was very rewarding for me to read, as I too served in the US Army and am a Gulf War Vet. Charlie Greene obviously was–is–more than just an Olympic Gold medalist.

    Thanks in advance for your efforts in trying to find him a kidney. I know you made his Christmas.

    Go Army!!!