Luke Worden: His Fast 40-Times Burn up Turfs at College Football Camps

Scottsbluff senior-to-be Luke Worden is posting some head-turning and jaw-dropping 40 yard dash times at college camps this spring.
According to sources, the 5-foot-10, 175lbs. DB/RB pumped out a 4.40 40 yard dash time at the June 7th Husker Football Camp. It was believed to be the fastest 40 time turned in at the camp.
A week earlier Worden ran at least 4.45 40 at the University of Tulsa camp—he reportedly ran another faster time after that one, but they wouldn’t tell him what it was. Well, now we know he can fly faster.
It’s All in the Genes, Baby
If folks out there are wondering about the combination of the surname “Worden” and Scottsbluff High School, yes, Luke is related to the great Nebraska high school girl distance runner Aubree Worden, who as a freshman is already making her presence felt on the college track scene at Florida State. Luke is Aubree’s little brother. His father Jamie Worden was also a high school speedster back in the days.
After winning the 100 meter all-class gold medal (10.96) at the 1984 state meet, Mr. Worden, now a Scotts Bluff County judge, went on to become a two-time football letter winner at Nebraska. And we can’t leave out his mom, Joni Schaub-Worden, from this highly potent gene pool. Joni, like Jamie, still holds Scottsbluff High School sprint records.
In my opinion Luke Worden possesses the freakiest measures in the class of 2013. Add to his 4.40 time a: 365 lbs. bench; 450 lbs. squat; 4.26 shuttle and 32” vertical and we are talking about a pure stud. Those kinds of measures and his playing ability are going to be extremely hard for every D-1A school to pass over.
Luke fired a warning shot that he was hunting for bear from here on out when he nearly captured the Class B 100 meter title at the 2012 state meet, finishing second at 10.92 behind Cozad’s Jake Paulsen (10.88).
Worden just needs to keep loading that shotgun every time out and he will at least bag some D-1AA programs and have a very strong shot at some D-1A schools.
In addition to the Nebraska and Tulsa D-1A camps Luke is tentatively scheduled to camp at Wyoming, Rice and Iowa State and may attend D-1AA North Dakota State University and Montana State.
Luke Worden Season Junior Highlights
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