Lincoln’s Yusef Wade Working Way Towards Top Prospect Recognition
Wade Receives Late Invite To Husker Spring Game After Staff Reviews Film
He may be best DB prospect in State of Nebraska for 2010

By Will Cummings
During discussions about the top Class of 2010 high school football prospects in the state of Nebraska, the name Yusef Wadeis not one that is readily available on the tip of any person’s tongue: or for that matter, his name never even comes to mind. But as one who has seen a lot of Nebraska high school football and watched a lot of of game film, the 6-foot, 180 pound, Lincoln North Star senior- to-be (he played at Lincoln Northeast last season) has as good a base skill set and is as good a defensive back prospect as any Nebraska high schooler I’ve seen over the past three years—a couple of whom are now playing D-1 ball
The question one must ask, at this point in the 2010 recruiting cycle, how does a kid with Yusef Wade’s size and talent not even get a nod in his direction, beforehand? There are definite reasons for it, but since I am late to the party too, let’s leave that discussion for another time and let me share how I stumbled upon Wade in the first place.
How I Stumbled Upon Yusef Wade
I first noticed Yusef Wade about a month ago, during my first visit to the Redzone Leadership Academy. While there, I couldn’t help but notice the physically well-put-together, hard working young man who had the quick feet and good smooth-turning flexible hips. At first glance his muscularly defined physique and smooth movement, led me to wonder if he may be one of the college players training at Redzone, But no matter what level he played, one thing for sure, I thought — he sure is top-notch at performing all the drills.
Admittedly, most of my attention was focused on the big names and recognizable faces that trained at Redzone—there are always plenty there. But Wade–who’s name I didn’t know at the time–kept catching my eye with his physique, foot speed and quickness.
Fast forward several weeks later: Redzone Leadership Academy founder, Yano Jones, introduces me to Yusef’s father, “Tommy” Wade, who proceeded to tell me this story about how his son got a late invite to the Nebraska Spring Football Game as a result of the Husker staff having reviewed his film. Whoa, I said in my mind “why don’t I know about this kid?” However, the real intrigue came when I realized that his son, Yusef, was the hard working, quick-footed kid that kept drawing my attention—now I knew I had to see this film!
Yusef Wade’s Dedicaton To Redzone Training
But wait a minute, here, Mr. Wade. The Redzone Leadership Academy is in Omaha, and you live in Lincoln and your son goes to school in Lincoln. Right? “I bring Yusef up here twice a week,” said Mr. Wade. And Mr. Wade has been bringing his son, Yusef, to the Redzone Academy ever since he was a freshman in high school—this story is getting deeper by the minute!
My jaw dropped when Mr. Wade told be about his twice a week commute from Lincoln to Omaha. I asked him “Why do you drive all the way from Lincoln to have Yusef train at Redzone? Yano (Yano Jones) is good people and I know Yusef has benefited a lot from the program,” responded Mr. Wade.
So, can I see this film that got the Husker’s to give Yusef an invite to the Spring game? Mr. Wade obliged and asked me to highlight the film to boot.
Yusef On Film
The footwork and quickness displayed by Yusef on film was of no surprise to me, based on what I saw at Redzone. However, one can not measure football instinct, toughness, and play-making ability through drills and these are the areas that impressed me the most about watching Yusef Wade on film—the kid is a player!
Breaking Down Yusef Wade |
Wade is a sure tackling very instinctive DB that if he doesn’t punish his opponent on initial contact, he will attempt to do so while driving him into the ground—he plays defense with an attitude and appears to be a very good run stopper. Wade’s keen football instincts, good hips, very fluid movement, balance, and quick feet combine to allow him to make the kind of plays on ball–in the air or on the ground–that you expect to see from a legit D-1 defensive back prospect. Shows good anticipation and reaction to QB and can close ground on receiver in a hurry when ball is in the air, which gives him the proven ability to deflect or intercept balls. |
Oh, just in case you were wondering, Wade can play WR just as well—but it is at DB where we believe his best opportunity exist.
These days when it comes to DB’s–speed is king! And 40 yard dash time is what will ultimately decide what level of college ball Yusef Wade will play.
Wade has yet to be timed in the 40 yard dash this year, but he feels that he runs somewhere at least in the low 4.5 range. Wade recently finished 4th in the 55 meter dash at the Nebraska Wesleyan College High School Indoor Invite. His fellow Redzone partner Antaries Daniels finished first with an event record time of 6.20, beating the old record of 6.29 by nearly a tenth of a second. Wade also long jumped nearly 21 feet as a sophomore and looks to go over 22 feet this track season.
Yusef Wade: From Near Obscurity To Among Top In Class of 2010
In conclusion, There is no doubt that Yusef Wade is going to pass the eyeball test with college coaches—he looks every bit the part of a football player. In addition, many coaches are going to like what they see Yusef Wade do on film too. Combine these elements with a good legit 40 time by Yusef Wade and he is looking at a real good shot at playing with the big boys on Saturdays.
Today, clearly recognizes Yusef Wade among the top Nebraska high school football prospects in the Class of 2010.
Below, check out Yusef Wade for yourself:
Related Links:
Redzone Leadership Academy
March 27, 2009 @ 11:08 pm
he goes to northeast not northstar
March 28, 2009 @ 9:35 am
If you read it, it says Senior-to-be at Northstar, GOODBYE Northeast!
March 28, 2009 @ 12:07 pm
Seems odd that he hasn’t gotten any publicity to date, especially given that he’s in Lincoln and that his teammate last season, Cole Pensick, signed to play at Nebraska. Even Huskers Illustrated failed to mention him in their four-week tour of 2010 prospects in the state.
Is he a legit 6-0? Looks a bit shorter than than on the film.
March 28, 2009 @ 6:16 pm
It may seem “odd” that Yusef Wade was not mentioned in the Huskers Illustrated 4 week review of 2010 Nebraska high school football prospects, but if you read the article I wrote about Wade, I said, “I’m late to the party too.”
I understand the process that recruiting services use to find out about prospect and they go about ranking prospects.
How do you think Husker Illustrated and other recruiting services find out about potential prospects in the first place?
Well, the number one way the media learns about a HS player is through their head coach mentioning the player and promoting the player when he is asked questions about prospects or when filling out questionnaires provided by the colleges, media, and/or recruiting services.
Local recruiting analyst like Shawn Callahan, John Talman rely heavily on what coaches say—and don’t say– about players and what they may get a chance to see on film.
The next most important thing a head coach can do is get the player’s game film and highlight film out to colleges and to the media. If we don’t know what you can do—we ain’t going to talk about you. Especially if your coach is not talking about you!
Obviously, this is part of the reason why Yusef Wade will be attending LNS next year—It’s interesting the LNS staff took a look at Yusef’s film and immediately headed up to the Husker’s football complex..
Situations like Yusef Wade’s happen all the time—we refer to them as “sleepers,” “hidden gems or “as coming out from nowhere.” But once you see on film what an unknown player can do—then you know! Evidently, the Nebraska coaching staff saw the same raw ability that I witnessed—the kid is a player and a legit D-1 prospect—no doubt.
I also believe that Yusef Wade is a Top Ten Nebraska Prospect for the Class of 2010. Right now, my projections for him is that he is at least a D-1AA, The only thing that keeps me from just flat out saying he will go D-1A for sure is a legit 40 time. However, if he runs a low 4.5 or better, with his quickness and tackling ability, he will have multiple D-1 offers.
March 28, 2009 @ 3:53 pm
This kid is a great athlete. Have you seen him play basketball yet? Wow, he can tear it up as well! Should have stayed at Northeast, though!
March 28, 2009 @ 11:01 pm
Makes sense, Will. Thanks for the insight. So, it sounds like his coach wasn’t willing to talk him up for some reason. But one would think that he would have garnered some attention, nonetheless, playing in Lincoln on the same defense as Cole Pensick. Pensick’s dad, a former Husker player who must be somewhat tight with the Husker athletic dept, must have seen every game LNE played. One would think he’d have brought Wade to the attention of the folks at NU, especially given his son’s pending scholarship to NU. Is there a reason why Wade wasn’t being talked about? Was he on the outs with the LNE coaching staff for some reason? Given that he’s moving on to LNS, were there some problems at LNE? Just curious. Hopefully just a matter of flying under the radar, but I hope he gets some serious attention from recruiters now. He appears to be very talented, based on the video. Good luck to him!
March 29, 2009 @ 12:19 am
I am privy to some very specific information regarding the situation down at Lincoln Northeast—It’s truly unfortunate that things that were occurring 40 and 50 years ago are still taking place in our schools. I am thinking about doing a story on it in the future. To make a long story short—it all eventually culminated with the head football coach resigning, because of concerns from players and parents.
After Yusef informed them he was transferring—its obvious they did nothing to further his career. So when Rivals called or came around—no one spoke for Yusef or had his highlight film or game films ready.
Yusef is a very good kid, who carries a 3.2 GPA honors student and wants to be a brain surgeon someday.–so I hope this alleviates any concern that perhaps Yusef had some off-field issues that caused him not to be recognized.
Now I can’t answer why Mr. Pensick has or has not ever spoken to Nebraska’s staff about Yusef—But he would surely have to be aware of what went down at Lincoln Northeast between the players and parents.
The bottom line: You saw the film–you said he is talented. Lincoln North Star staff saw the film–and immediately contacted the Huskers. The Huskers saw the film and invited Yusef to the spring game.
like I said in my article–I have seen a lot of Nebraska HS film, over the past three years. Yusef Wade takes a back seat to no skill player I’ve seen on film or in person during that period.
In fact, counting his offensive skills–he may be the most complete skill player I’ve seen during the period.. And during that time you had eventual D-1 players skill players like Niles, Paul, Shaun and Sean Prater, Sean Fisher, Colin Okafor, Tim Biere, and Phillip Bates. I’m not saying Yusef is better than any of these players–but he is at least good as they were at his projected position(s) during this stage in his development.
It’s deplorable what was allowed to occur–so long–at Lincoln Northeast! Hopefully, the resignation of the head football coach will be a catalyst to bring about a new atmosphere at the school.
March 29, 2009 @ 2:52 pm
How much has the Redzone Academy helped Wade in his improvement over the last year or so? I’ve heard through the grapevine that some coaches aren’t too thrilled that their players may be going to Redzone. Heard some have sent out emails to players/parents seemingly trying to imply that the kids are better of sticking to their high schools’ training regimens. But if Redzone can get these kids to another level that their high school trainers can’t, then what’s not to like about it?
March 29, 2009 @ 4:53 pm
Not only do some coaches stoop to sending out e-mails to parents discouraging them from participating at places like the Redzone–they even will even corner a player and tell them not to go. But guess what?–Despite the emails and the intimidation tactics–they still come. Why? Why do parents bring their kids from as far away as Lincoln and other places in Nebraska and Iowa to train at the Redzone? Why have most of the top high school football players in Nebraska train or have trained at the Redzone?: Go to and look at the alumni list and current members. Why do these D-1 thru D-2 players still come back to train at Redzone?
I don’t get some coaches–really! I always try to put my feet in the other person’s shoes when trying to figure them out–I mean if I were a head football coach and there was a place like the Redzone–I would
encourage my players to go. The Redzone enhances and compliments what HS coaches are able to do with their players. It helps in making their teams better and in the end it helps to raise the level of play of Nebraska HS football–it’s a win, win and win combination for the player, coach and fan.
March 29, 2009 @ 8:02 pm
Why did he quit basketball? What kind of character does he have by quitting a team? What is going on over there at Northeast?
March 30, 2009 @ 12:10 am
Wade quiting basketball has nothing to do with his character–he never wanted to play this year in the first place–he wanted to get ready for football by training at Redzone. His coach kept asking him to play. Now I’m going to stop here, because though I know the rest of the story… I will save it for others to expound upon. Right now let’s just say that the parents ( a lot of them) have been trying to keep this whole thing out of the media while -as we speak– take the issues up with the school and district administrators. So far: one head football coach has resigned, several players have or are transferring to other schools–these things don’t happen unless there are some serious issues going on at the school.
I have a strong feeling that most of it is about to be exposed!
March 29, 2009 @ 10:40 pm
Yeah, I don’t really understand why some coaches are against their kids participating at the Redzone. Some may say that the extra workouts will burn out the kids. But an extra couple of hours a week shouldn’t do that. I also wonder if there’s concern that some kids may be “encouraged” to transfer (open enrollment and all) to another school with all the mentoring they’re receiving at Redzone. I don’t know that anything that’s happened would bear that out, though. Or maybe it’s just a control issue. Coaches want to have control of their players, their training methods and ultimately the results. It’s unfortunate, I think, if that’s the case, because they really should be in favor of anything that’s going to help the kids get better and that gives them a better shot at playing at the next level and getting a college education. Perhaps some of them just aren’t getting the big picture.
March 31, 2009 @ 7:27 pm
crusher—you obviously have no clue what is going on at lne…the football coach resigned because hes a Man and was willing to allow his wife to accept a promotion and that forced the family to move…next, people are transferring simple because they are premadonnnas, and its two people, not several…got the story right before you attempt to dog on schools just cause one kid thinks he’s better than the rest of his teammates and decides to leave.
November 22, 2009 @ 8:11 pm
Exactly….THANK YOU Coach Svehla didn’t leave because of “problems”. He resigned because he was being loyal to his wife when she got a better position in her job. All you people talking this talk is a JOKE. Yusef’s best games last year were against “BAD” teams. What you see on the highlight films are bad teams that he does good against. And whats this about “oh its so sad we still have these problems 40 and 50 years back”??? LNE has great coaches and Yusef didn’t deserve being TALKED UP at all because first of all hes an average football player and a below average basketball player. What makes him alright in basketball is his defense, but has NO shot at all. Stop trying to bash LNE and acting like north star is some great thing when coach waller and his staff did illegal things according to NSAA rules with players transferring. So what I know is LNE is a clean and grounded school and lns does whatever they can to break the rules. Please i would love to respond to peoples comments.
November 26, 2009 @ 9:57 am
101 talk, where you at?
This article reflects what your current AD’s office lacked, what the meeting was about about I’m told and what your ex FB and current BB coaches lacks!
Take note:
“We have a lot of athletic staff meetings where Tom gets the entire athletic department together — coaches and everybody,” Brown said. “And he talks a lot about treatment of people. How you treat people. And how do you respond to rules and regulations. And he talks a lot about attitude and resiliency.
“That’s his influence.”
Don’t lie about illegal rules being broken unless you have proof.
March 31, 2009 @ 8:21 pm
exactly, the coach did quit because of his wifes job… and i called a friend of mine who plays basketball ant lincoln northeast and he said the exact samething.. come on crusher
March 31, 2009 @ 9:50 pm
Yes! the reason the coach gave for quiting was his wife’s job.
I know the other side of the story, do you?
As of last night, sources tell me there are currently 4 students who are transferring. No matter if it is 2 or 4 or more, the reasons they give for wanting to transfer are very troubling at the very best.
Parents are currently in discussions with school and district administrators in regards to these issues.
When the time comes they will tell you their side of the story.
April 3, 2009 @ 7:11 pm
First off I would like to say that i attend Northeast and have played with wade. Yes are coach did resign, putting his family first wich is important. He is moving becasue of a better job for his wife.He was a great coach. The reason why wade didnt get talked up is because in reality he wasnt that good. He never lisened to coaches and had a bad attitude. He does not run a 4.5. The fastes we had was a 4.6 held by, Olsen, another player. Coming to the topic about basketball. Yes he didnt want to play at the beginning of the season. But after try outs he told the coach that he wasnt going to play JV. Right there tells you your not going to play much on varsity. Quiting something you started shows you have bad character. The other players that are transfering or have did because they didnt start. They didnt start because they had bad work ethic and didnt produce. They aren’t team players. Northeast is a damn good school. There are no problems there people just make it sound like there is because they are to stuck up and wrapped around them selves to see real life. Not the fantasy they live in. Get real people.
November 22, 2009 @ 8:18 pm
Great talk! Lincoln Northeast is a FINE school and that meeting was an absolute joke back in the spring of 09. Where people tried to bash on LNE athletic department and the funny thing was the people that were bashing (which were a few) there son’s were little babies that didn’t make in impact in there sport so had to cry out. Funny how when players arent good and don’t play, they try to cry out for help and get there parents involved. Very sad if you ask me, LNE will never stoop low to this comments that people are trying to say about Rocket High. Were a well grounded school with a blue-collar mentality. You gotta work your butt off to start and if you don’t, then get the hell out of dodge.
April 5, 2009 @ 5:38 pm
Oh and on the subject of are coach not helping, he gave every oppurtuity for us to go in sit down and creat a highlight tape with him, and he would send it to people. Wade must have not done that. Along with Mr. Pensick saying he would help to, if wanted.
April 5, 2009 @ 11:05 pm
Wow: I read what you write, but I’m not the one who should or will respond. Let the other side let you comments ride or defend thier actions. But I will say this: Based on what I hear from the other side, I don’t see how you can not know what they must be saying if you are as close to the situation as you claim to be.
November 22, 2009 @ 8:20 pm
Crusher…Your an absolute idiot and just need to STOP TALKING. YOU HAVE NO IDEA! so shut up for real! thanks! LNE PRIDE!!!
April 7, 2009 @ 9:13 am
Facts: You are obviously unaware of what great or better coaches do around Lincoln, this state or around the country. Other coaches who are sincere about promoting their athletes’ abilities–beyond what they can do for the high school–will do highlight film on their players and send film out to colleges without sitting down with the player or getting help from another parent. These coaches feel it’s their moral duty and obligation to promote students who’ve committed themselves in regards to their academics and were consistent in improving themselves in weight training on the field and in the classroom. This breed of outstanding coaches’ players were not and are not expected to sit down and be shown how to create their own highlight film.
Our disagreement is that I/We expected better from both the head football coach and basketball coach! If other coaches do it elsewhere, why not at Northeast?
Fact – We and other parents past and present lost respect for the integrity and character of the coaching staff and the leadership w/in the Athletic dept. If you wish for specific incidence to be released (statements on file at the District office) feel free to ask both head coaches or your principal to release the FACTS!
Our realities of what transpired past and present w/in the Athletic program.
Those of you who seem to be in the know, I ask you to tell me are these specific incidents behavior you expect from any head coach?
Walking by an student/athlete parent and NOT speaking or acknowledging him or her? Are we not the taxpayer, have we not shown support towards the school? Shouldn’t we feel respected?
If your coach has awarded a trophy at two previous banquets but not at the last and the student/athlete ask why? Would you expect to be told and believe the reason was: “We lost it or it’s been misplaced”? Or would you expect a coach to forget to name an athlete who lettered?
When the coach hugs only one athlete after losing a game against LNS, what message does this send to fellow athletes? If you’re asked by other college coaches at the beginning of the season if you have ANY players we should keep an eye on and your coach says, “NO” What does that tell you about his belief in promoting his players? Or about his real passion of coaching? Coaching isn’t simply about wins and loses, X’s and O’s, its about making a difference in your players life. Obviously that support wasn’t shown for those who wished they had transfered, those who currently transfer or the ones who transferred before! My question to you is, If as you state: Yusef is not that good, explain why the Husker coaching staff gets a highlight DVD from the Lincoln North Star staff and invites him to Junior Day. The facts speak for themselves in this situation. So stop defending your coaches by ragging on a student/athlete when the facts don’t support your position. If you want facts about why students and their parents feel the need to transfer away from Northeast, get them from the district office where several parents expressed concerns for poor coaching behaviors. None of these concerns were based on playing time, but on the lack of positive relationships that existed between coach/player or coach/parent.
Yes Mr Pensick came to Yusef and I only after he became aware of Yusef’s transfer. With all due respect to him, it was a nice gesture; however, my expectation is not for him to promote Yusef– that is a process the LNE coaching staff should have begun a long time ago!
You can not sit there with a straight face and look at Yusef Wade’s highlight film and say he isn’t capable of playing college football.
With respect to basketball and quiting. You judge Yusef’s character but fail to judge the character of the coach.
When Yusef informs the coach of his desire not to come out for basketball because he wants to work on his football fundamentals, he’s told, “if you don’t come out you’ll make me look like I ‘m a bad coach” Who’s self esteem should the coach be concerned about, the student or his own? Should a coach ever tell an athlete to FAKE an emotion? What kind of teaching experience does that provide a young student/athlete? It’s OK to be unethical or immoral and lie in front of the other players. Sorry – that’s not the type of coach I want my son playing for.
Who’s the better person when coaches walk past students who has let it be known that they are transferring: The student that will still look you in the eye and be friendly or the coach who walks past you as if you don’t exist any longer? My belief system tells me the MAN–as you put it before–needed to show his professionalism. The—Man–should continued to care and support the person–the student.
Lastly, I don’t doubt he retired due to supporting his wife transfer. But understand if you,as a coach, believed in your convictions that you did nothing wrong and felt you had an emerging football program, you best believe he would of found away to stay at Northeast.
Again….with all due respect for both men, they as well as I are not prefect! We all make mistakes. But I believe these coaches–from the beginning–knew right from wrong but chose to follow the path that led to the consequence you now see.
I repeat…….if you want facts… them…ask your coaches to allow the district office to release statements from both current and past parents of Student athletes whom felt the need to transfer and to the reason why.
If you can’t or won’t do that……..Let us end this chapter and move on to wishing well to both the future of Lincoln Northeast and to those who made their decision to transfer.
November 22, 2009 @ 8:27 pm
Totally disagree! Like the guy from the District department stated. “Sometimes parents need to be more realistic about there son’s and daughter’s future and there ability” Yeah of course Yusef can play football…Its not hard to play a college athletic. But D-1…im sorry but its UNREALISTIC. I guess im a ‘hater’ then right? NO, from observing every attribute of him. He wouldn’t cut out to go against D-1 wide receivers.
November 23, 2009 @ 11:20 pm
Seems others have a different view.
January 9, 2010 @ 3:35 pm
Where you at 101 talk? So called talent scout. Fly on the wall. We know who you are – “The MOLE” You’re looking like an idiot now! Maybe more so come signing day! If so………..I’ll be back to haunt you!,53349.0.html
February 1, 2010 @ 2:36 pm
101 Talk where you hiding?
Seems Bo and company evaluates Yusef Wade’s talent MUCH better than you!
What did you say? “D-1…UNREALISTIC”…”From observing every attribute of him, he wouldn’t cut out to go against D-1 wide recievers”
Eat you heart out loser! Boy what a difference going from the “Blue Collar” Northest a school which can’t judge talent and LNS a school that can. Oh by the way Savantae Brown commits to North West Missouri State, who were the DII champions this year. He gets a FULL RIDE! Looks like a few parents were “more realistic” in their kids abliities than the Athletic Dept and it’s coaching staff.
Official 2010 confirmed Nebraska walk-on list Reply
Here is a complete list of the walk-on recruits we’ve been able to confirm for Nebraska’s 2010 recruiting class.
Yusef Wade – Lincoln (Neb.) North Star – 5-11, 175 – DB
Dillon Schrodt – Lincoln (Neb.) North Star – 6-3, 185 – WR
Tyson McGill – Norfolk (Neb.) – 6-1, 225 – LB
Zach Larson – Youngstown (Ohio) Cardinal Mooney – 6-3, 290- OL
Trevor Roach – Eklhorn (Neb.) – 6-3, 225- LB
Jason Dann – Richardson (Texas) Lake Highlands – 6-foot, 160 – K/P
Austin Williams – Omaha (Neb.) Burke – 6-2, 190, LB
Derek Foster – Elm Creek (Neb.) – 5-11, 180 – S
Tyler Wullenwaber – Utica (Neb.) Centennial – 6-1, 180 – WR
Jeff Uher – Omaha (Neb.) Creighton Prep – 6-1, 260, OL
This post was edited on 1/31 8:25 PM by Mike Matya
Sean Callahan Team Publisher
April 7, 2009 @ 3:09 pm
To Crusher: Why are you drinking so much haterade? First of all, do you even know what character is? If you are the person I think you are, then you need to develop your own character.
Just do me a huge favor for all of those who are nay sayers to Yusef decision to transfer and walk away from basketball at LNE. Keep a journal, track to see where this crusher will end up and Yusef’s pending future.
Crusher,you talk about get real…..let’s follow both of your paths and see who holds onto reality! It will not have anything to do with football or basketball. Do you ever watch the commericals that the NCAA put out????
April 7, 2009 @ 8:14 pm
What? I don’t know where you are coming from with your comments. Maybe you need to read all the comments on this subject again–in their entirety. And then address the right person. Or at least make clear what you are saying.
April 8, 2009 @ 5:17 am
I’ve read ALL the comments. You started off if though you had no personal relationship with the situation at LNE and Wade. You began asking all the right questions to tie up lose ends. Then, all of a sudden you jump to playing ball with Wade and discussing what seems to be a personal insight to LNE. Yeah crusher, it’s easy to hide behind the blog, so you think!
Since you don’t think I’m speaking clearly, let me sum it up for you one more time. Stop hating on Yusef’s decision to quit basketball and transfer. Those two decisions doesn’t truly speak for his character. What he will do in his SENIOR year will truly define and shape his character and I’m not talking about sports EITHER. So put on your best game face and let us know what you plan to do from this day forward and we’ll see if you develop character along the way.
One last thing, make sure you do you homework before you add your opinion about someone’s elses character! Now, is that real enough for you????
April 8, 2009 @ 6:42 am
Really you don’t have it right. I’m not the one hating on Yusef Wade or questioning his character–and I know I don’t question his ability to play football. I don’t think I would have written the article about Yusef Wade that appears on this site if I had a problem with his character or his ability to play football. The inside stuff I know about LNE is the result of doing the article and talking to people close to the situation as to why this talented athlete was never mentioned by the LNE coaching staff–it made no sense based on his ability.
There are certain things you see when you physically meet a kid. And there are even more particular things you witness when you see that kid work out in front of you. Finally, you look at the truth machine–FILM. There are certain plays that some kids can make, and some kids can make plays in a certain way that leave no doubt in your mind that a kid can play a position at the next level. I’ve seen all that in Wade, So much so that in my opinion, he is one of the Top Ten prospects in Nebraska. You just don’t see very many DBs in this state that can do what he can do with his quickness and flexibility–and I see a lot of film!
April 9, 2009 @ 4:46 pm
Crusher! I would like to apologize for directing my comments to you. I thought the name at the top of the message was the one who wrote the response, when in fact it’s the name at the bottom of the message. My bad!
With that being said, please accept my apology. And let it be that my first message dated April 7th is directed to “Wow”.
April 29, 2009 @ 9:40 am
Well I am truly on the outside looking in as just a reader. And to respond to all of the above blogs please understand that… YUSEF WADE is a name you will NEVER forget. He will make it out of little Lincoln, Omaha, Nebraska Northeast, Northwest or wherever else. He is a force to be reckoned with. His GPA along with his athletic ability is enough for ANY college worth their name in salt to add this exceptional player to their roster. So I say to Yusef sit back and wait. The calls are coming!!! You will have a list of colleges offering you FULL scholarships. So put your thinking cap on and decide where does Yusef want to play ball? And know that haters will only make you stronger :) You have a unique name that will stay in the minds of everyone.
So I say to Yusef read all of these blogs and remember this. . .
November 24, 2009 @ 10:10 am
101 Talk,
Your conversation is about nothing! It’s obvious that you have a personal problem with Yusef Wade. NE wanted to silence him on the field but he busted them wide open. He did what he needed to do, he rushed for over 1000 yards. NE defensive line was weak and there was no stopping Yusef. So go cry your song and dance to someone who CARES!
November 24, 2009 @ 4:24 pm
Talk 101,
Where u @! Bump those gums my way and I’ll blog w/u. I’m old skool who attended NE. Bring your “blue collar” behind on….
November 25, 2009 @ 8:29 am
101 talk wants no part of you. The only poster to exposed his name and told the truth was Mr. Wade. 101 talk, go back and read it. I was hopin after his post someone would get the truth from the district office. From what I heard you are wrong about what a district staff person said. Like Datruth said. “Bump those gums” of yours. You got the truth? Bring it!