Boys Town’s Nehemiah Wilkins is a 2011 Football Prospect to Watch!

Wilkins is a big reason why the Boys Town Cowboys are 7-1 in 2010 and pointing to a date in Lincoln. The electrifying baller is averaging over 10 yards a tote and has produced 11 TDs this season. He looks every bit the part of a football player destined to make his mark at the next level.
Football Runs Deep in the Wilkins Family
Born in West Palm Beach, Florida, Wilkins’ family moved to Raleigh, North Carolina where he attended middle school, before eventually winding his way to Boys Town for his freshman year. As a junior Nehemiah Wilkins won three Class B gold medals at the 2010 Nebraska State Track and Field Meet: 110 and 300 meter hurdles and 400 meter relay (setting a Class B state meet record).
The football bloodlines run deep in the Wilkins’s family. Nehemiah’s uncle, Gary Wilkins Sr. (TE, RB)played football at Georgia Tech, before a seven year stint in the NFL with the Buffalo Bills and the Atlanta Falcons. Brother, Josh Wilkins, is currently a CB at Fayetteville State and his cousin, Gary Wilkins, plays LB for Furman.
Having seen Nehemiah Wilkins up close and personal last spring at the state track meet, I’m scratching my head right about now trying to figure out why this kid isn’t getting some paper thrown his way. From speed, size, bloodlines and proven ability to perform—he’s got the package!
Video: 2010 Nebraska Track & Field State Meet Highlights, featuring Nehemiah Wilkins 110 meter Class B gold medal (first clip).
If video fails to appear in browser click 2010 Nebraska Track & Field State Meet Highlights.
October 23, 2010 @ 6:23 am
Thank you for the exposure you are given our nephew. We are working hard to get him expose and get him in college.
November 4, 2010 @ 11:23 am
Good Job Nehemiah this guy is wonderful. I see him at boystown football games.