Bo Pelini: One Last Classless Act

The ill-advised off-campus meeting that fired Nebraska head football coach Bo Pelini had with many of his former players at Lincoln North Star High School clearly demonstrates why he wasn’t fit to be a head coach at Nebraska—or anywhere else in my opinion.
I first learned of Pelini’s meeting at North Star through emails, text messages and phone calls from several sources. My first reaction was “is the man crazy?” Why would a fired head coach hold an off-campus meeting with his former players? Nothing good can come from this, I thought.
Sure enough, according to a source, shortly after the meeting a group of Nebraska players allegedly told a NU coach they didn’t want to play in the upcoming bowl game. Allegedly the coach listening to their complaints basically told them if that’s what you want to do don’t play. This led me to believe that whatever Bo Pelini said to his former players inside that meeting was not good.
All my source could tell me about what they learned happened at the meeting was Pelini “went off on the AD.” It wasn’t until the Omaha World-Herald released the transcript of a tape-recording from the Bo Pelini meeting with his former players that I learned what Bo Pelini actually said.
My takeaway from reading the transcript: I don’t ever recall a fired college or professional head coach attack a university or organization in such a vulgar and classless manner. In front of the young men whose characters the university entrusted him to help mold, Pelini called Nebraska Athletic Director Shawn Eichorst a “pussy” and a “cunt,” among the many other despairing statements he delivered in regards to his former boss. Most of those young men that attended the meeting and heard Pelini’s crude remarks have to go back and continue their academic/athletic careers under Eichorst.
Pelini went on in the meeting to tell his former players that beloved and legendary former NU head football coach and Athletic director Tom Osborne was also forced out by the administration.
This past week, intrigued by Pelini’s statement that Tom Osborne was “forced out,” the Omaha World-Herald contacted the legendary coach to ask him if what Pelini said about the reason for his departure from NU was accurate. “I wasn’t forced out. I resigned. And that’s the end of the story,” Osborne said.
So either Pelini lied to his former players about the reason for Osborne’s departure or he divulged information that was never intended to be shared outside the inner circles. Either way it was yet another classless but predictable act by Pelini.
In my opinion the only reason Pelini told the group of players that Osborne was “forced out” was to give his former players even more reason to be anti-Eichorst.
Throughout Bo Pelini’s profanity-laced remarks to his former players at Lincoln North Star High School, he pointed the finger of blame for his firing at everyone else but him. In Bo Pelini’s world everyone else at Nebraska has the problem—he is just the innocent man caught in the middle of a bunch of idiots at Nebraska.
From 2003 when we first saw then NU defensive coördinator Bo Pelini run across the field to get up in Kansa State head coach Bill Snyder’s face and curse him out for running up the score, after the Huskers 9-39 loss, many of us knew this guy was not quite right. In fact even though Pelini was selected NU’s acting head coach for that season’s bowl game after Frank Solich was fired at the end of the regular season—the embarrassing Bill Snyder tirade kept him out of any serious consideration to replace Solich as NU’s next head coach. NU eventually hired Bill Callahan instead.
When Callahan was let go at the end of the 2007 season acting athletic director Tom Osborne hired Bo Pelini and took him under his wings. Osborne even encouraged former Ameritrade CEO Joe Moglia to work alongside Pelini as an unpaid voluntary assistant coach/mentor during the 2009, 2010 seasons.
Moglia wanted to get back into coaching which is what he was doing before he became a big-time Wall Street player. The arrangement with the university was supposedly a win-win situation where Moglia would learn the ins and outs of head coaching while also helping Pelini with his leadership skills. Obviously all of Osborne’s class and wisdom and Moglia’s leadership advice never stuck to the Teflon-minded Pelini.
Pelini continued with his attacks on the media along with his sideline blowups directed against the referees and his coaches and players, highlighted by the infamous Taylor Martinez tirade in 2010.
In 2011 Pelini was even heard throwing Nebraska fans under the bus when an F-bomb laden tape-recording of him attacking Huskers fans surfaced two years later.
Bo Pelini’s F-the-fans remarks were initially recorded after the Huskers 34-27 come-from-behind win at Lincoln against the Ohio State Buckeyes in 2011. However, the post-game recording did not surface until two years later in 2013. The context of recording was Pelini being upset at NU fans for booing the team and leaving the stadium when the Buckeyes were getting the best of them in the first half. In the recording Pelini says:
“It took everything in my power to not say, ‘Fuck you, fans. Fuck all of you.’ Fuck ’em…Our crowd. What a bunch of fucking fair-weather fucking—they can all kiss my ass out the fucking door. ‘Cause the day is fucking coming now. We’ll see what they can do when I’m fucking gone. I’m so fucking pissed off.”
Oh my, what will the Nebraska fans do without Bo Pelini being around?
Turns out that Bo Pelini is nothing more than a loud and foul-mouthed bully of a coach. He teaches through intimidation (I’m going to scream in your face and curse you out if you mess up), complimented by his us-against-the-world mentality. The hook he uses to snare his prey: “I’m the only one that got your back. The media and everyone else at Nebraska is against you including the AD, Board of Regents and fans.” The vulnerable are drawn in like the fanatic followers of the Rev. Jim Jones—ready to swallow the Kool-Aid, always fearful of being the one to disappoint their leader. Ultimately, Bo Pelini is why Bo Pelini could never win the big games at Nebraska.
Bo Pelini has yet to apologize for his remarks directed against Shawn Eichorst and the NU administration. Below is Nebraska University’s response to Bo Pelini’s remarks made at the meeting with his former players:
“The University of Nebraska is in receipt of what appears to be a transcript of remarks delivered by former football coach Bo Pelini. These remarks to student-athletes were allegedly made during a non-official team meeting at a local high school, held two days after his termination. At this time, the University cannot authenticate the transcript nor do we have an audio version of the remarks.
“If these comments were, indeed, spoken by Mr. Pelini, we are extremely disappointed, but it only reaffirms the decision that he should no longer be a leader of young men at Nebraska. His habitual use of inappropriate language, and his personal and professional attacks on administrators, are antithetical to the values of our university. His behavior is consistent with a pattern of unprofessional, disrespectful behavior directed by Mr. Pelini toward the passionate fans of Nebraska, employees of the university and, most concerning, our student-athletes. This behavior is not tolerated at the University of Nebraska and, among many other concerns, played a role in his dismissal.
“Any assertions that the campus or athletics administration was not supportive of our student-athletes and our football program are flat-out false and are contradicted by the facts.
“We are grateful that the new leadership in our football program is aligned with our values and will establish that you can be successful at Nebraska and that you can do it with integrity and class.”
Related links
Bo Pelini transcript of recorded meeting with his former players
Tom Osbone not forced out at Nebraska
December 22, 2014 @ 11:32 am
Pelini is a seriously disturbed individual. I’m glad he is gone.
December 22, 2014 @ 3:34 pm
I agree with SusanB. It’s cowardly and childish for a human, who I’d like to consider a man, act more like the animal. Yes I said it, “ANIMAL”. Who are the ones to have less intelligence of human beings. No so………Bo!
My points:
1. Habitual lair. When his team is whipped so bad he throws his team under the bus. As in, “we practice all week and come game time it’s like they forget everything we taught them.” Thus, not manning up and taking responsibility for his failures as a coach. At the players meeting, “I’ve got your back’s, I’m the only who’s had your back’s”. One doesn’t match the other. Once again this means Bo is a Habitual Lair!
2. The AD fired Tom Osborne comment. Wow! What a laughable comment! Come to think about it, when I go to the games I see the “Osborne Field. From a online site:
The legend who cemented Nebraska’s place in college football history has his name back where it belongs, and that linked legacy to Big Red posterity will continue to inspire the hearts of Huskers on every Game Day, beginning this fall, throughout the next 50 years, and beyond.
And when one walks into the North-side of the Athletic Dept, what is seen?
The statue of Brook Berringer and Tom Osborne is located outside of the Tom and Nancy Osborne Athletic Complex on the North side of Memorial Stadium. It is a life-sized bronze sculpture of the two standing side by side, and Osborne appears to be coaching Berringer during a game.
So really? Really Bo? Tom was fired? To Bo… are a freaking IDIOT! Even if you are fortunate to win (maybe a championship) at the D1-AA level, any BCS Athletic Director should never (a word I refrain from using but will make an exception in this case) NEVER ever hire you to represent their program. EVER! It would be shameful and frighting for any young male you would be associating yourself with. I feel bad for those young impressionable men at Youngstown as well.
3. Recording rant…. not once… but TWICE! I read a few comments about the player shouldn’t have recorded it. We don’t know WHO recorded it. But the fact remains, Bo…you should have never said it! Vented about the fans in years past nor about loosing your job. Which you really didn’t deserve in the first place! Like JP or Beck, they were no more qualified to be Coordinators when you promoted them. Same out comes. NO championships! Big losses when it matter the most.
4. The state of the program? I will take Dr. Tom’s advice and support Riley (get behind him). But as of now, I will reserve the right NOT to support the Chancellor. I feel his only good decision was bringing back Dr. Tom. Since then, both Dr. Tom and Harvey have made one bad decision after another. The future remains to be seen. So enough said from me for now.
Mr. Poster. Please keep your blog alive. You bring good topics for discussion. We all can agree to disagree. It’s our right!
December 22, 2014 @ 4:34 pm
Wow! Epic comment. Pelini came up with a lot of excuses for his embarssing losses and I noticed some of his players began echoing his many lame excuses, too. I wonder if Youngstown would have hired him if this latest recording had surfaced earlier? Have you ever heard about or seen a head coach in any sport act like this guy?
December 22, 2014 @ 6:34 pm
Here’s a thought. Maybe Bo’s mentor in coaching came from the Basketball coach Bobby Knight? Recall his actions towards referees and players? kicking, throwing chairs, grabbing players and one time slapping one? Bo get’s the trophy though simply because this is the historic, “NE Football Program”. And come to think about the players echoing Bo’s comments, I caught that too. Almost like “talking points.” Nobody should be blind sided to see how young men get caught up following their leader. Hmmm???? How many will go on to coach like him? What brings out animal type instinct’s in sub-humans as these two people? I refuse to call them men!
December 22, 2014 @ 6:59 pm
OK. Woody Hayes an Bob Knight were worse when it comes to physical acts but even when they got fired neither one insulted their university and AD like Pelini did. And he did it in front of the players. Obviously someone in the room didn’t like what he said and or they didn’t like him, so they were smart enough to think ahead and recorded the entire thing– probably figuring he would say something stupid. Nice they turned it over to the media so everyone else could see Bo Pelini for what he is. Now doubters can understand why a school would fire someone who won at least 9 games in each of his 7 seasons.